Chief 031

Chapter 31 - Patent

"Hey, wait, wait, wait!" (Gail)

"What?" (Bossman)

"I can't walk that fast yet." (Gail)

"Oh, I see. Then I will carry you." (Bossman)

    Even though I told him to wait, Bossman forced me onto his back and started running instead.

"I told you to wait!" (Gail)


"Gah!" (Bossman)

    I strangled Bossman from behind.

"W-What are you doing!?" (Bossman)

"I said wait!" (Gail)

"Now, now, please calm down first, Bossman." (Dan)

    Dan tried to calm Bossman down.

"To make a planer, we will need some wood." (Gail)

"What? Say that first!" (Gail)

"I didn't have time for that because you just pulled me along without warning!" (Gail)

    Misha looked flustered when I raised my voice a bit.

"Look, even Misha got scared because of you." (Gail)

"M-My bad." (Bossman)

It's pretty surreal to see an old man getting scolded by a two-years-old kid.

"So, Bossman, do you have any kind of wood around this size and tools to hollow them out?" (Gail)

"Will chisel do?" (Bossman)

So chisel exists in this world.

"Yes, bring some chisels of different sizes." (Gail)

"Got it. Now we can make a planer, right?" (Bossman)

"Only if Dwan is willing to make the metal parts." (Gail)

"Okay, I will bring them soon." (Bossman)

    Having said that, Bossman ran off to this workstation.

"Hey, Dan, are all dwarves like that?" (Gail)

"Yeah, that's how they are." (Dan)

Is this because of their craftsmen blood? I'll just have to get used to it.

"Young Master, where are we heading now?" (Misha)

"Sorry, but we need to go to the weapon shop on the west side of town. What are you going to do? We'll pass by the mansion on the way. Do you want to go back first?" (Gail)

"Umm...." (Misha)

"Young Master, how about Misha’s lunch? Even if she goes back now, I don't think there will be food for her." (Dan)

"Ah, that's right. I'm sorry, Misha. I forgot about the lunch. Let's go together and have something to eat there."

"Yes!" (Misha)

Misha was looking forward to eating outside. I would have sent her home with an empty stomach had Dan not reminded me.

"I brought them. Are these enough? I also brought a saw just in case." (Bossman)

"Perfect." (Gail)

"Okay, let's go!" (Bossman)

    We walked a little quickly towards Dwan’s store.




"Is this the place? Hey, is Dwan here!?" (Bossman)

    Bossman opened the door with a bang as soon as we arrived at Dwan's store.

"What's with all the commotion!? Hmm, is that you.... Miguel?" (Dwan)

"It's been a while, Big Bro!" (Bossman)

"You are really Miguel. What are you doing here?" (Dwan)

So Bossman's real name is Miguel.

"Pops." (Dan)

"Oh, you are also here Dan.... and the boy, too. Who is that girl?" (Dwan)

"My name is Misha. I'm Young Master's maid." (Misha)

"Pretty little girl, isn't she? You lucky boy." (Dwan)

"Yes, she is. I won't give her to anyone." (Gail)

"How precocious. So, what's the matter? You've got a quite unusual crowd here." (Dwan)

"Actually, there's something we want...." (Dan)

"Big Bro, it's a planer! Make a planer for us!" (Miguel)

    Bossman cut in before Dan could explain the situation.

"Hey, hey, that came out of nowhere. First tell me what kind of weapon is that." (Dwan)

"Calm down, Bossman. Pops has no idea what planer is." (Gail)

"You are right." (Miguel)

"I will explain it to him now." (Gail)

"Yes, please." (Bossman)

"Pops, sorry, but planer is not a weapon." (Gail)

"Not a weapon?" (Dwan)

    Dwan suddenly looked disinterested.

"Yes, it a carpentry tool." (Dan)

"What the hell!? This is a weapon store. If you want carpentry tools, go to tools store!" (Dwan)

    Dwan was furious.

"Pops, can you please calm down and listen to what Young Master has to say first?" (Dan)

"The talk is over. I'm busy right now." (Dwan)

"Big Bro...." (Miguel)

"So Pops can't make it, huh. Sorry for asking something difficult...." (Gail)

"What!? Who said I can't make it?" (Dwan)

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, Pops. I was also trying to ask you for something you can't make." (Gail)

"Something I can't make? Don't screw with me!" (Dwan)

"But you can't make a planer, can you?" (Gail)

"Fine, tell me the details!" (Dwan)




"Dan, try shaving the wood like what you did before." (Gail)

    Dan shaved the wood surface with a swift movement.

"I want you to make a tool to shave the wood surface like what Dan did with his sword." (Gail)

"Big Bro, take a look at this wood surface." (Miguel)

    Dwan stared intently at the shaved surface.

"You need to have the skill to sharpen it, but the most important thing is to have a sharp blade without distortion. But it looks like Pops can't make it, so I will give up. I'm sorry for getting your hopes up, Bossman. Let's go home." (Gail)


"I can make it." (Dwan)


"Hmm?" (Gail)


"I said I can make it." (Dwan)


"Are you serious, Pops?" (Gail)

"Yeah, the blade part is important, right?" (Dwan)

"That's right. If the blade is not good, the planer won't shave the wood surface neatly." (Gail)

"You are one hell of a kid. You've got me on the hook." (Dwan)

"I just thought that only Pops could make what we want." (Gail)

"Enough with the smooth talk. Tell me what this tool is like." (Dwan)

    I quickly drew a picture of a planer and its mechanism on a piece of board.

"Is this blade fixed?" (Dwan)

"No, the blade and the metal plate that holds it down can all be removed, and the thickness of the shaved wood depends on how much of the blade sticks out. If you have a good planer and carpentry skills, you can shave the wood so thin you can see through it."(Gail)

"See through it?" (Dwan)

"Yes, and the surface of the wood will become slippery and repel water." (Gail)

"Repel water...? Hey, Miguel, hollow out this wood as shown in the picture. You brought your tools, right?" (Dwan)

"I brought them, Big Bro." (Miguel)

"Ah, Bossman, you should not hollow it all out. This part is...." (Gail)

    I added supplementary explanations to the picture.

"The foundation is done. Now we just need to fit the blade and the metal plate to it, right?" (Dwan)

"Yes, you put the blade here, and you can adjust how much it sticks out with the metal plate." (Gail)

"I got it. Go eat somewhere while I'm making the prototype." (Dwan)

"Hmm?" (Gail)

"I'm telling you that I will finish it while you guys are having lunch. Go fast!" (Dwan)




    I, Misha, and Dan went to the plaza where food stalls gathered. Miguel didn't come with us because he wanted to watch the whole process.

"Dan, will it really be finished while we are having lunch?" (Gail)

"It's just a small blade and a metal plate. It's not impossible with Pops' skills." (Dan)

"He is amazing." (Gail)

"I think Young Master is more amazing." (Dwan)

"That's right. I was afraid to even talk to Mr. Dwan." (Misha)

"I guess it was too stimulating for Misha. It's not a place where girls would normally come, after all." (Gail)

    We wandered around in front of the food stalls while talking about such topics.

"Speaking of which, Young Master couldn't eat mutton. What's wrong with it?" (Dan)

"I just don't like their unique smell." (Gail)

"Even though it’s delicious...." (Misha)

    Misha muttered so from the side.

"Then, let's try that stall. If you don't like it, I will eat the rest." (Dan)

"Got it." (Gail)

"Mister, give us three skewers." (Dan)

"Okay, it's three copper coins."

100 yen each is quite cheap. I wonder what meat it is.

"Here, try it!" (Dan)

    Dan handed me a skewer instead shoved it into my mouth like last time.

"Oh, this is good!" (Gail)

"Yes, it's dhelihious...." (Misha)

Misha, it’s unbecoming for a girl to talk with a mouth full.

"So this meat is good, huh." (Dan)

“What kind of meat is this?” (Gail)

"It's meat of a large monster called Big Cow. This skewer is popular with adventurers." (Dan)

Monster? Well, sheep and bird are also considered monsters in this world. Hold on, does this mean it's beef? Yeah, it tastes like salt ribs.

"Dan, this is delicious. I like it as much as chicken." (Gail)

"Then let's get some more.... Mister, I'll have another 20 skewers!" (Dan)

    Because they were quite big, I and Misha could only finish two skewers each in the end. Meanwhile, Dan ate 9 skewers in total and saved the remaining 10 skewers for Pops and Bossman.

He is a very thoughtful guy as usual

    I rubbed my stomach, full of skewers, and headed back to Dwan’s store.




"Oh, you guys are back. It's done." (Dwan)

Whoa, is it done already?

    I took a look at the newly finished prototype of planer. It was just like the one I remembered from my previous life.

"Looks good. Let's try it at once, Bossman." (Gail)

    Dwan prepared a piece of wood about 2m long.

"Try adjusting the blade so it sticks out of the planer as much as you want it." (Gail)

    Miguel lightly tapped the back of planer to adjust the position of the blade.

"Next place it on the top of wood and move it as if sliding it. I don't think you'll need much effort with the blade that Pops forged." (Gail)

“Okay, leave it to me!” (Miguel)


    Ultra-thin wood shavings flowed out of the planer.

He could adjust the planer to produce such thin shavings in one go. He is a first class carpenter, after all.

"Looks like it went well." (Dwan)

"It's amazing, Pops. This planer is a work of art!" (Gail)

"Hehehe, of course. When it comes to forging blades, no one can beat me." (Dwan)

    Dwan looked pleased by the result as well.

"Big Bro, look at the beauty of this wood surface!" (Miguel)

"Yeah, I've never seen such a beautiful wood surface. Hey, Miguel, make about 100 plane bases and bring them to me sometime soon." (Dwan)

"100...?" (Miguel)

"You're going to use the planer from now on, right? What will the other carpenters do when they see that?" (Dwan)

"Ah!" (Miguel)

"Right? Hey, boy, I will sell this planer for three silver coins and your share will be three copper coins. How about that?" (Dwan)

"What do you mean by my share?" (Gail)

"Oh, you don't know? The person who invents a new tool can register it and get a share of each item sold. It's called an idea fee." (Dwan)

Is it something like a patent?

"Also, would you prefer to register it under your name, or would you rather use my name and receive your share through me? (Dwan)

I don't want to take money from an invention that I didn't come up with myself...

"Pops, I don't need a share." (Gail)

"That's not how it works. This will make money. You have to properly get your share, too." (Dwan)

Is that so?

"I understand. Then can I use your name, Pops?" (Gail)

"You don't want to get involved in unnecessary stuffs, right? Got it. I will use my name, so come and collect your share from time to time." (Dwan)

"Thank you for everything, Pops." (Gail)

"I will also make a decent profit from this, so don't worry about it." (Dwan)

"Boy, I also want to thank you for teaching me about the planer. I'll build even better houses from now on. When it's time for you to build your own house, don't hesitate to call me. I'll build you the best house ever!" (Miguel)

"I think it's still a while away, but I'll be counting on you at that time." (Gail)

I'm a two-year-old boy who ended up earning passive income in an unexpected place.




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