Isekai Sagishi C2P3

 Chapter 2 – A Delicious Smell Wafting Through the Air at Night (part3)

   I arrived in front of a rundown building. The door was closed, but perhaps because of the poor construction, there was a gap in the door and light was leaking from inside. Next to the wooden door, a metal plate with a hollowed-out center in the shape of knife and fork, hung a little higher than my head.

Is this.... a restaurant?

    My stomach growled. The aroma wafting from inside was very stimulating.

This smell is irresistible.

Shall I go in?

I have no money, but I can't give up either.

What should I do? Gaia is telling me to dine-and-dash.

Yeah, let's do it!

    With Gaia's encouragement, I pushed open the wooden door to the restaurant.




    The restaurant was dimly lit and no one was in sight. There was a counter on the right as I entered, and a room in the back, probably the kitchen. To the left were four round tables with four seats each.

    Maybe because the land in this area was cheap, the restaurant was quite spacious. It would be possible to double the number of tables and seats. However, there was no one there. Not just customers, but also the staffs.

Is it closed already?

    The empty restaurant was awfully quiet, exuding the melancholy atmosphere of a department store after hours. When I stepped cautiously into the restaurant, the floor squeaked.

What is this place? It's really rundown.

Is this a kind of place where you can eat inside a haunted house?

The desk is full of holes and the chairs are wobbly. To make matters worse, the floor squeaked every time I took a step. There are only a few candles for lighting, as if they're trying to save on oil bill.

Normally, I would never stop by a restaurant like this, and even if I did enter by mistake, I would leave immediately. But this time, I can't afford to do so. I can't turn my back on this place. I'll just have to put up with it. I don't have money to begin with.

"Is anyone there?" (Yashiro)

    I called out toward the back of the store. Then, after a while, a girl appeared from there.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't notice you."

    It was a breathtakingly beautiful girl with large, round eyes and cherry-red lips as fresh as fruit. Her cheeks looked soft and white like cotton. Her hair was tied around her shoulders, giving the impression that it was soft and comfortable to the touch. Her arms and legs were long and well-proportioned for her petite body, although she was a little too thin. However, she has the most powerful weapon on her chest that makes all these favorable factors seem trivial.

Nice booba!

What's with those big boobs? Did all the nutrients in her body go there?

She’s wearing a cheap tunic and a jacket, and is not dressed in a way that particularly emphasized her breasts. Nevertheless, as if in rebellion against the natural order of things, two bulges, disproportionate to her petite frame, push up her plain clothes and make a tremendous self-assertion as if saying "I'm here!".

"Nice booba!" (Yashiro)

Who could blame me for blurting it out loud?

Looking back, I had lived for revenge for twenty years and I had never been in relationship with woman during that time. That goes for the sixteen years prior to that as well.

I've never seen such big boobs.

I’ve never talked to such big boobs.

Hey, could it be this world is actually an amazing place!?

Yeah, that’s the other world for you!

Hurray for the other world!


"Oh, it's nothing! I was just reminiscing a bit about the past...." (Yashiro)

"I see. So, umm.... what is booba?"

"Ugh!?" (Yashiro)

    The busty girl asked about my slip of tongue innocently.

What a careless thing to do!

There's no way I could say to her; "It means boobs.", right?

No matter how casual I say it, she would brand me as a pervert. No, saying it casually would make it even more perverted. I need to change the topic somehow....

"Hold on, why don't you understand that word?" (Yashiro)

In this city, no matter how vague your words, they should be translated into words the other person can understand. So, why doesn't she understand it? No, I mean, it would be a problem if she understands....

"Oh, I think it's probably because it's a made-up language that only a certain group of people understand."

    The girl answered with a smile.

Made-up language that only a certain group of people understand? Maybe industry jargon or technical terms are included in that category. This can be very useful....

"So, umm, what does booba mean?"

"Eh!? Umm, that means.... smile.... yeah, smile...." (Yashiro)

"Oh, is that so?"

    The girl put her hands together and brought them to her mouth while smiling happily.

Oh, shit! I just lied without thinking.

Am I going to be judged just for not being able to tell her that booba means boobs!?

    However, nothing happened even though I was bracing myself for the worst.

Huh? Why!?

    I turned my gaze towards the girl as if to inquire. But when our eyes met, she bowed deeply to me instead. Then, she raised her head and said happily with a broad smile.

"Thank you for complimenting my booba."

"O-Oh, yeah, you are welcome...." (Yahsiro)

I guess she genuinely believes that booba means smile.

"I'll continue to do my best with my booba!"

"Y-Yeah, but I think you shouldn't say it too much...." (Yashiro)

"Ah, you're right. I shouldn't say it myself. Then, I'll continue to do my best so that the customers compliment my booba."

"U-Umm, I think you should keep your distance from such customers?" (Yashiro)

"Why? You also complimented my booba."

"Y-Yeah, sorry. I really am." (Yashiro)

I'll probably never be able to tell her the truth.

I feel like I've caused a big scar in this girl's life.

Oh well, it's just a temporary relationship anyway.

I'll probably never see her again after this.

"More importantly, is the restaurant still open?" (Yashiro)

"Oh, yes, one moment, please!"

    The girl came out of the counter in a hurry, and when she stood in front of me, she bowed her head cutely.

"Welcome to Sunny Spot!"

    The girl said so with a big smile on her face.

Sunny Spot, huh. It’s a good name for a restaurant

"I'm sorry to bother you at this hour." (Yashiro)

"No, I have a lot of ingredients left over, so it's no problem!"

"You should not tell customers that you have leftovers...." (Yashiro)


"Oh, sorry. It's nothing. Don't worry about it." (Yashiro)

That's a face of someone who don’t understand in the slightest. I guess her head is not that bright. Let's not pursue it any further.

"Then, I'll get it ready right away! Please wait at your favorite seat!"

    Having said that, the girl went back into the room behind the counter.

Is she running the place all by herself? So, even though she looks absent-minded, she might actually be a reliable person.

     I chose a chair that seemed to have the most solid legs in the store and sat down.

Even the most decent-looking chair is still wobbly....

    As I wobbled my chair, I heard a clanging metal sound, typical of someone cooking, from the room behind the counter.

That's the kitchen, after all. I wonder if they have frying pans and ladles there. If they do, their cooking techniques are already quite advanced. The evolution of cooking utensils follows the evolution of food culture, after all.

    I looked around the restaurant once more.

It is old, but nicely cleaned. The squeaking floor is probably due to its age. The stains on the walls and damage to the ceiling tell the history of this restaurant. You can tell that it has been used with care for a long time.

Somehow, it reminds me of Chief's old factory. Even though he could have quickly replaced things, he would keep using them until they broke, saying; "It's better to have things that are familiar to your body.".

No good, I'm getting sentimental. Maybe it's because the smell of the food. The smell, which reminds me of the dinner Landlady used to make, is bringing back old memories.

Well, there's no point in reminiscing about the past. I need to think about where I'm going to sleep tonight and how I'm going to pay my bills here.

I guess there's no other way but to dine-and-dash. Fortunately, that girl looks stupid. I’m sure I can get away with it.

"Umm, Mister...."

"Whoa!!!" (Yashiro)

    My heart jumped a little when I suddenly heard someone's voice as I was making plans to dine-and-dash. I looked up and saw the girl was standing right in front of me.

How long have you been there?

"W-What is it?" (Yashiro)

    I calmed my racing heart with willpower and replied as naturally as possible. Then, with a big smile on his face, the girl asked me something.

"Have you decided on your order yet?"

" Huh? You've already started making something, haven't you?" (Yashiro)

"Yes. I was almost done when I realized that I haven't taken your order."

This girl is stupid, after all.

"Then, I will have whatever you were cooking." (Yashiro)

"Really?! I'm glad. You're very kind."

I'm kind?

The guy who's about to dine-and-dash is kind?

Hahaha, that’s funny.

You are too naive, Girl.

    I turned my eyes to the menu on the wall after the girl went back to the kitchen.

  • Stir-fried Vegetables Scraps = 20Rb

  • Grilled River Fish = 25Rb

  • Braised Meat = 30Rb

  • Braised River Fish = 30Rb

  • Black Bread = 25Rb

  • White Bread = 80Rb

What do you mean by the most expensive item on the menu was white bread? The words ‘white bread’ are crossed out with two thick lines, so it must have been removed from the menu. Maybe they have stopped stocking it because no one ordered it.

Their naming sense is also terrible. I have a hard time understanding why they write 'vegetables scraps' in such a stupidly honest way.

Well, if I'm going to buy white bread, I might as well buy it from a bakery. The white bread on the shelves at the bakery I saw in the 22nd Ward was about 70Rb. The white bread here is probably priced higher to cover the store's profit margin.

Even so, it makes me wonder if this restaurant has no intention of making money at all. It’s terrible in many ways.

Putting aside the staff who don't notice the arrival of customers, the fact that they display menu item that are no longer available with two lines crossed out is disappointing. Even if you have no intention of ordering it, it will still leave you with the feeling 'Oh, I can't eat that.'.

The staff is cute though.... but a bit stupid.

    As I was thinking that, the stupid girl came over with a plate.

"Thank you for waiting. This is stir-fried vegetables scraps."

"Why do you call it 'stir-fried vegetables scraps'? You can just call it 'stir-fried vegetables', right?" (Yashiro)

"But there are some customers who don't like vegetables scraps, so I have to tell them in advance."

There is a limit to being stupidly honest.

"Please enjoy your meal. I hope it suits your palate."

    The girl looked at me shyly with her hands folded behind her back.

Is she going to watch me eating...?

    I tried not to pay any particular attention to the girl and brought a spoonful of stir-fried vegetables scraps into my mouth.

"Hmm!? It's delicious!" (Yashiro)

"Really?! That's great."

The vegetables are all different sizes, but that actually adds a nice touch to the dish. Even though there are things like carrot stems and scraps of cabbage mixed in, none were undercooked or overcooked. This is proof that they have been stir-fried individually in consideration to their ideal cooking time. Because the ingredients were of poor quality, she took extra time and effort to cook them into a delicious dish. This is a heartfelt cooking method that Landlady often used.

"Then, please take your time."

    Perhaps satisfied with my reaction, the girl bowed deeply and returned to the back of the counter. Meanwhile, my hand continued to bring the food into my mouth non-stop to satisfy my hunger. The familiar taste also brought back memories of the past. The image of Landlady's happy face as she watched me eat my food with gusto crossed my mind.

Extremely earnest, kindhearted, and has an uncompromising. She is the spitting image of my parents. That's probably why I feel irritated watching her.

A good-natured person like her would surely get tricked by someone. But even if she gets tricked, she wouldn't get angry, and instead run around on her own trying not to cause trouble for the people around her.

First of all, why does she retreat to the back when I'm the only one there? She can clean up the kitchen later. Why does she think I won't run away without paying...?

I need to show her the reality of what happens to good-natured people. I will let her experience firsthand that it's stupid to trust others easily. Well, in any case, I have no choice but to run away since I have no money at all.

    The plate in front of me was empty. Not a single scrap of vegetable remained.

My stomach is full and I have enough energy to run away now. But that won't do. If I just run away, she wouldn't realize how foolish she is for believing me. That's why I need to deceive her more clearly and thoroughly.

Trusting someone and then get betrayed. I want her to experience the disappointment that comes with that.

    I walked over to the counter, rested my elbow on it, and called out to the kitchen at the back.

"Excuse me!" (Yashiro)

"Yes, I'm coming!"

    At my call, the girl came out of the kitchen with pattering footsteps and a carefree look on her face.

"Sorry, where is the toilet?" (Yashiro)

"The toilet is located in the back of the restaurant."

"In the back of restaurant.... outside?" (Yashiro)

"I mean, if you put the toilet inside the restaurant...."

Oh, I see. It doesn't seem there's sewage system in this world. In other words, it's a pit-style toilet, and it must be a pretty primitive one. You can't really put something like that inside the restaurant as expected.

“Then, I will borrow it for a bit.” (Yashiro)

“Umm, that….”

“Oh, don’t worry! I’ll leave my wallet here.” (Yashiro)

    The girl showed a relieved expression when I put the emptied wallet on the counter.

By leaving my wallet behind, it will make her think that I'm not going to run off without paying the bill. I don’t think she will open my empty wallet without permission, so this will buy me plenty of time to escape. Just like that, I will betray her trust.

"Then, I will be going." (Yashiro)

To somewhere in another ward.

    I left the restaurant after saying that. I went around to the back to check the toilet just to be sure. It was a primitive toilet with only a hole in the dirty floor just as I thought.

No, this could not even be called a toilet. It’s more like a latrine.

    Leaving the foul-smelling toilet behind, I walked as fast as I could while trying not to make any noise. Then, when the restaurant was completely out of sight, I turned around and said a few words for the good-natured girl.

"There are a lot more bad people in this world. I hope you learned something from this." (Yashiro)

It's getting late. I guess I will sleep outside tonight.

    Looking for a place where I could shelter from the wind and rain, I wandered around the 42nd ward.

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